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Air India Flight 182 Memorial Sundial

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R. Bouwmeester &
Associates was commissioned by the City of Toronto in late 2006 to
design the sundial feature for the Air India Flight 182 Memorial
planned for the Toronto, Ontario, waterfront. The Memorial
was built in early 2007 in Humber Bay Park East which is located at the
foot of Park Lawn Road south of Lakeshore Boulevard

Maps Photos via Google Earth
The sundial is the central
feature of the Memorial. It was unveiled by Prime Minister
Stephen Harper on June 23, 2007. This date marked the 22nd
anniversary of the bombing of Air India Flight 182 en route from
Montreal to Delhi and Bombay in which 329 victims perished, and the
bombing at Narita Airport, Japan, earlier that same day, that killed
two baggage handlers.
Minister Stephen Harper
By Federal Government (Germany)/ REGIERUNGonline / Steins (G8 Summit
2007 Heiligendamm) [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons
Air India Flight 182 was lost
on June 23, 1985, off the south-west coast of Ireland near Ahakista
where a memorial was constructed one year later in 1986. The
Toronto memorial evokes some of the features of its Irish counterpart,
for example, the sundial was designed with a circular, horizontal base
mounted on stones. The support stones for the Toronto sundial
were donated by various
provincial and international organizations representing all
of the provinces and territories of Canada, and the countries of India,
Ireland, Japan and the USA - all of whom were directly touched by the
The overall concept for the Memorial was developed
by Peter Klambauer, City of Toronto, Parks & Forestry
Department, in consultation with the Air India Victims' Families
Association. The Memorial
consists of pathways, plazas, retaining walls, low walls, benches and
the central sundial.
Klambauer describes the Memorial by saying:
"The sundial rests in
a small plaza that is framed by two monumental walls, the inscription
wall and the title wall. The
inscription wall bears the names of the 331 victims. It is oriented in
the direction of Ireland, measured at approximately 52 degrees East of
North. The title wall follows the direction of the approach pathway,
which transforms into a ramp that leads the observer onto the sundial
plaza. The plaza itself has a quarter-circle edge with 3 radiating
steps, which is intended to evoke a temple-like effect, and which may
be the place for adorning wreathes and flowers. The title of the
memorial is written on the granite capstone of the title wall, which
faces the sundial plaza."

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south side of the title wall bears an inscription that reads:
sundial itself bears an inscription, similar to that on the sundial in
Ahakista, that reads:
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The wording of the inscription
and the circular, horizontal shape of the sundial were the only design
elements deemed mandatory by the Client - as a reflection of those
elements of the Irish sundial. For the design of the
sundial's face and shadow-caster (gnomon), we were given a blank
slate. Our goal was to develop a design that reflected the
country of origin of the aircraft, while memorializing the date and
time of the bombing.
The flag of India proved to be our inspiration for the design of the
face of the sundial. In particular, the Dharma Chakra wheel,
found in the middle of the flag, is the wheel of law in the Sarnath
Lion Capital. The Chakra is a Buddhist symbol dating back to
the 200th century BC; it has 24 spokes representing life in movement,
death in stagnation, and the 24-hour solar cycle. Our final
design incorporated these spokes modified to align with the hour lines
of the sundial, and this pattern of spokes was mirrored on the sides of
the stainless steel gnomon. The spoked pattern was cut out of
the gnomon giving it a lattice-like appearance that casts dramatic
 The Flag of India
Image By
User:SKopp [Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Enlargement of the Dharma Chakra
Image By File:Flag of India.svg: User:SKopp derivative work: User:Madden [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The sundial shows traditional
'sundial time' to which a correction must be applied in order to
convert it to local watch time. This correction, known as the
'equation of time', or sundial correction, accounts for earth's
elliptical orbit and the varying speed at which it revolves around the
sun. A graph showing the sundial correction can be found on a
brass plaque mounted in the inscription wall. On June 23, the
sundial is only about 2 minutes slow so the times can be read
almost directly.

Project File Photo
Although sundials are typically
labeled in Standard Time, the times on this sundial are indicated in
Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) since daylight time applies on the key date
of this Memorial. A note on the brass plaque indicates that
one hour should be subtracted from the dial time at those times of year
when Standard Time applies.
As mentioned above, the dial runs 2 minutes slow on June 23.
To facilitate the reading of actual times on the anniversary date,
hourly watch times for this date are marked by small circles on the
June 23 declination line.
Although memorial sundials typically mark, by shadow, the specific date
and time of an event, a major challenge in the design of the Air India
Memorial Sundial was the fact that the bombing occurred at night -
Toronto time. However, the June 23rd date was simple to
highlight. It is marked by a declination line which is traced
by the tip of the gnomon's shadow on June 23. In addition,
the gnomon was shaped such that at solar noon on June 23, it casts no
shadow whatsoever.
Since the bombing occurred at night Toronto time, this sundial would be
unable to mark the actual time of the event. After
considering a number of options, we came up with an alternative - that
is, a way to 'connect' the Toronto and Ahakista sundials. As
it turns out, the sun passes over the meridian of the memorial in
Ireland at 8:41 am EDT (Toronto time) on June 23 and we realized that
one could look up at the sun in the eastern sky at 8:41 and know that
it is at its peak and shining directly down on the Irish memorial at
that time. So, we marked 8:41 am EDT on the June 23
declination line with a small circle and labeled it, "Solar Noon
Ahakista Ireland". The brass plaque describes it thus:
sundial marks the passage of the sun on June 23rd and identifies 08:41
AM EDT as the equivalent of solar noon in Ahakista, when the sun is
oriented directly south of the Irish sundial and shines directly upon

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Links to several media articles
about the unveiling:
Memorial for Air
India victims unveiled - CBC News
Air India Memorial Unveiled In T.O.
- CityTV CityNews
Air India memorial unveiled in Toronto
ceremony - CTV News
Air India victims remembered at new memorial
- The Globe and Mail
Reference and links to the NASS
We are
honoured to have had our sundial recognized by The North American
Sundial Society (NASS) and registered in their database. A
brief write-up and photos can be found on their web
to media articles about the Spring 2010 vandalism:
Air India Memorial vandalized - InsideToronto.com, May 5, 2010 Vandals Deface Air India Memorial In Etobicoke - CityNews, May 19, 2010
repaired in time for 25th anniversary ceremony - Globe & Mail, June 22, 2010
Contact Info:
Ralph Bouwmeester, P. Eng.
R. Bouwmeester & Associates
Barrie, Ontario Canada
Phone: 1-705-726-3392
(Please call or email for complete address details)
More ways to contact us
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Copyright © 2008, R. Bouwmeester & Associates.
All Rights Reserved.
All Trademarks mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.
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